Tag Archives: finding my inner something something

weekly update

i am 91% done for the month, 42% done for the year, giving me a D+ grade.

i need to write about my adventure i had on the first.

i am excited about what summer will bring me.  summer always feels like a season to me, that things are different and time moves different.  that i need to do things differently.

i don’t know if i’ll get back to meditation, because that was always a summer thing, but i want to get back working out.  i have a plan for that.

i need to read my books and get back into stuff.  i need to put down the phone and get back into stuff.

i feel new.  like this season is new, that i am new, that i am starting something new.

i don’t feel free and i don’t feel trapped.  i feel like this is where i’m suppose to be.  that i got so much time before the season changed and things go another way.

weekly update

small steps equal some progress.

i’m 99% done for the month, 66% done for the year giving me a B- grade.

i’m still needing some get up and go with my life.  i am moving inches but i want to move more. 

but i am moving more.  i am trying dancing as a moving mediation.  i’m blasting Florance and the Machine and feel like i’m praying.

so i do have some things going better then i thought.  that’s why i write, to keep track of shit.

time to get up and move.

how are we doing?

how we doing?

i am ok.  i don’t know if last week was PMS or what but i feel like things are going forward.  i am moving inches and it feels great.

and there is a strong call of meditate yelling at me.  i am going to try some moving mediation by cranking the music and just dancing.  i think it’s a step and maybe i’ll get some thoughts going.

i do need to work on the list i made and did not do on Wednesday.  i will chalk that up to period pain and move forward on Saturday.

i want things to be better by Fall and, that may not happen but i know i can get it better.  i have plans and idea and i see the bigger picture. it’s a matter of working on a small corner to get to the bigger picture. 

weekly update

i’m 119% done for the month, 50% for the year, giving me a B grade.

i really haven’t done much.

i am mostly waiting for the end of my Marvel Weekend and coming back ready to put in the new work.

i will get back to the working out, keeping track what i eat, and the start of mediation. 

keep on reading Crafting a Daily Practice and start that work.  back it up with Kissing the Limitless.  maybe get another book into the mix to try to become a better person.

i got to get up and get my hair cut, pack, and do some witchcraft for this trip.


weekly update

i’m 143% done for the month, 48% for the year, giving me a A grade.

the way i am plotting out things, i think i am going to try to get back to meditation, again.  one of my goals is to read Inner Temple and that would be a great way to get going on that.

i’m down 13 pounds.  if i start the arm workout, i might see improvements by October.  that gives me incentive to get going and look hotter for my birthday.

i am looking forward to Springfield, so fucking hard this year.  i want to start packing, now.

oOo, there is witchcraft i need to do to be ready for Springfield!